Fees are defined in Laws and Regulations listed below:
Patent Fees Act, Federal Gazette I No 149/2004, as amended
Regulation of the President of the Austrian Patent Office on valorisation of fixed fees according to the Patent Fees Act, Patent Bulletin 2014, 41
Fees Act 1957, Federal Gazette No 267/1957, as amended
Court Fees Act, Federal Gazette No 501/1984, as amended
Plant Variety Fees Tariff 2001, Federal Gazette II No 314/2001, as amended
Fee’s Regulation of the European Commission No 2696/95, Official Gazette – OHIM 1995, 414, as amended
Fee’s Regulation of the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation, published every year in Official Gazette No 3 (March)
procedural fees (for all protection rights)